Why Michael J. Fox Will Never Find a Cure

Certain celebrities have been associated with specific diseases. For instance, Patrick Swayze will be associated with pancreatic cancer indefinitely. Michael J. Fox represents Parkinson's disease, and the Marlborough Man ironically represents lung cancer. For those who do not remember, the Marlborough Men were the smoking cowboys who attempted to make filtered cigarettes seem more masculine. The commercials were a huge success, until all of the actors began dying from lung cancer. The demise of the Marlboro Men was publicized heavily by the mainstream media, because it has long been open season against tobacco products, since it became illegal for tobacco companies to fund news shows.

The cause of Michael Fox's Parkinson's disease is always side-stepped by the media, similar to the dishonest tobacco precedent. Readers may notice there has never been a peep about the cause; and moreover, the talk has been singularly about finding the supposedly elusive cure. The cause of Fox's disease is not yet politically correct to attack. It would get most reporters fired.

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Quick Tip: Cure Ulcers Naturally With Raw Cabbage Juice

Over the years, the medical establishment has repeatedly changed its list of suspected causes for stomach ulcers (peptic ulcers). It has been like a soap opera to monitor. At various times, ulcers have been blamed on stress, excessive alcohol consumption, extended use of pharmaceuticals, a weakened immune system, bacterial infections, and of course, it is now genetic too. They really have no idea. Ulcers continue to be a great enigma that is beyond the bounds of modern doctors.

They are a surprisingly common condition. Most people know of at least one person who has suffered with ulcers, who was placed on the usual pharmaceutical treadmill. The prognosis of pharmaceutical treatments is bleak. Some argue that doing something for a suffering victim is always preferable to doing nothing, because at least the doctors are trying to help. It is tempting logic, so long as the assumption is maintained that there are no known alternatives to the current protocols of experimental medicine. With that in mind, consider the following carefully.

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Quick Tip: You Should Never Eat Liver

One of the jobs of the liver is to safely remove toxins, or to store them when removal is not possible. This explains why any successful cleansing protocol must begin with a liver cleanse; for without the help of a fully functional liver, other cleansing protocols will not work well. Any cleansing process involving a dysfunctional liver is like cleaning a dirty floor with a dirty mop and dirty water. The liver is the mop of the human body.

Some fringe health writers recommend that people eat organ meats, and most especially liver. A smaller subset of those people recommend eating the organs raw, intact with raw blood. They contend that liver is healthy because livers are extremely nutrient dense. Their advice is well intentioned, but equally foolish. These writers fail to account for the fact that the liver is also a body's long-term storage area for toxic materials. It is the wisdom of taking a lead pill with a multi-vitamin, and no amount of nutrition can compensate for the problems generated. The liver, along with fat cells, are the storage places for toxic materials that a body cannot eliminate. Consuming liver is the act of eating all of the toxins that an animal was unable to expel throughout its entire lifetime, and there are really toxic materials at farms nowadays.

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The Lie of Aspirin Preventing Heart Attacks

For years, we have been told that an aspirin a day keeps the heart attacks away. The poor science behind this belief is seriously flawed. Nevertheless, Bayer pharmaceuticals has had a heyday marketing aspirin to doctors and the public for preventative medicine. As a result of this marketing which twisted the results of otherwise valid studies, virtually every orthodox doctor in the United States now recommends aspirin to customers who have experienced heart problems. Millions of people ridiculously believe that heart attacks are caused by an aspirin deficiency.

The original studies from 1974 through 1988 showed that aspirin was not helpful for cardiovascular diseases. Then in 1989, another study was done, which tested aspirin that was buffered with magnesium (Bufferin brand). This type of aspirin, which acted as a magnesium supplement, reduced heart attacks by 44%. Since then, aspirin (not magnesium) has been recommended for those who have an increased risk of heart attacks. The magnesium content of the buffered aspirin that was used in the paradigm-shifting study was completely ignored; since after all, only a pharmaceutical could benefit health. Magnesium was institutionally ignored, even though it was the only differing ingredient in the aspirin that actually worked.

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Why a Stick of Chewing Gum is More Harmful To Your Health Than Anything You Eat

People do not typically ingest gum, so they pay very little attention to its ingredients. The assumption is that if the gum is not swallowed, then the ingredients should not be a concern. However, the ingredients in gum travel into the bloodstream faster and in higher concentrations than food ingredients, because they absorb directly through the walls of the mouth, and these ingredients do not undergo the normal filtration process of digestion.

Gum is typically the most toxic product in supermarkets that is intended for internal use, and it is likely to kill any pet that eats it. Commercial gum products contain roughly the same list of toxic ingredients, with differing labeling, which is virtually always designed to mislead.

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Quick Tip: Using Lemon and Pineapple Juice to Quickly Shift Body pH in Your Favor

There is a link between body pH and many diseases. Health conscious people often attempt to maintain a higher than normal body pH (alkaline). Those eating a healthy diet will naturally become alkaline from their diets, but it is very easy to become acidic from a relapse of processed foods. Soft drinks have a pH of around 2.5, and the effects upon pH are dramatic. It is always much easier to become acidic than to become alkaline. However, there are methods to dramatically speed up the process of becoming alkaline.

Acidic fruits often have an alkalizing effect upon the body. It is important to remember that the initial acidity of a food is not important in regard to its alkalizing effect. It is actually the minerals that matter, not the food's initial acidity. Ironically, the most acidic fruits tend to have a mineral composition that causes the human body to become more alkaline when they are metabolized.

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Recipe: Summertime Strawberry-Lemon Slushy

There are times when we are tempted to eat junk foods, and in the summer, one of our cravings is for slushies.  Unfortunately, the ingredients of commercial slushies are truly terrible.  They are nothing more than a cocktail of artificial flavors, artificial colors, and refined sugars.  Thus, last year, we decided to make our own.


  • 1/3 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 cup spring water
  • 1 cup frozen strawberries, thawed overnight, with juice
  • 1/4 cup evaporated cane juice
  • 1 tray ice cubes

Blend all ingredients together in a blender until slushy.  Be careful not to go too long, or you'll just have a very cold drink.  Serve in a tall glass with a straw.

Eating Ice Cubes or Dirt is a Sign That Your Child Has Pica

Pica (Pagophagia) is a disease state emanating from malnutrition.  It is surprisingly common.  I suffered with it myself as a child, and my own son briefly showed the symptoms.  It is perhaps important for us to mention these things, so other parents understand that we are not being high-and-mighty, and that none of this should be felt as criticism of their parenting.  Parents would not be reading this, if they did not wish to improve themselves and the care of their children.  With that behind us, let us explain the condition.

Parents should be aware that their children may be malnourished without showing any obvious symptoms of it.  This is because most people do not know what the symptoms are for persistent low-level malnutrition, and because having malnourished children has actually become somewhat normal.  Malnutrition is not necessarily a problem specific to poor children, for overall, they tend to get about the same nutrition as their wealthier counterparts do.  It is not a money issue.  It is an ignorance issue, and about 99% of the people are ignorant of nutritional issues.  Sadly, this includes orthodox medical doctors.  Don't even ask your doctor about it.  It will be a complete waste of time.

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Naturally Curing Shingles and Chickenpox

A patient suffering from shingles.
Shingles (herpes zoster) is a secondary outbreak of the chicken pox virus. It can happen decades after the original infection, and it is usually less severe. It may strike people who have had either chickenpox or the chickenpox vaccination. It is often caused by the vaccine, and people who get the vaccine strain get a much worse version of shingles. It can happen many years later. The virus is opportunistic and will strike whenever the immune system is sufficiently impaired. Those who have never contracted chickenpox are at risk of contracting it from people with shingles. When it first occurs, shingles rashes usually appear in circular patterns.

You Should Not Visit Your Doctor

Doctors will prescribe just about anything for these conditions, except for something that actually works. Some prescribe painkillers, anti-depressants, and petrochemical creams. The establishment's resultant help-to-harm ratio is rather disturbing. More often than not, standard treatments actually stress the immune system to make the outbreak last longer. Prescribing anti-depressants for a shingles outbreak is insanity, and places the patient at more risk than the original virus. All of the orthodox treatment options have risks, and are rarely effective. Chicken Pox and shingles will eventually disappear without treatment, and the amount of time depends upon the strength of the immune system.

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The Relationship Between Body pH and Disease (and other facts you're not supposed to know)

Could it be that the most respected of industries is actually the most corrupt of all? Decades ago, the medical establishment went to war to silence a purported quackery of holistic medicine and chiropractors. The purported perversion of medicine which the establishment fought so viciously to quell was the contention that vitamin C is beneficial. It has become a conveniently forgotten history, but more importantly, a rewritten history. The new history is that the allopathic establishment discovered the benefits of vitamin C, and it totally never tried to destroy alternative researchers who were reporting its benefits. It is still spoken of as little as possible.

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Quick Tip: Answering Questions about Radiation from Japan and Potassium Iodide

Potassium iodide is the only remedy that is mentioned by other sources for protection against radiation, but it will only partially protect the thyroid and the female reproductive organs. While its usage may be a good idea for especially vulnerable people, it is important to remember that the rest of the body will still be completely unprotected.

If potassium iodide is unavailable, applying a patch of regular iodine (not the povidone type) to the skin, and allowing it to absorb transdermally is a good option. You can also purchase potassium in grocery stores as a salt substitute. Only a small amount of potassium is needed.

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Evaluating The Evaluators from Consumer Lab

This replaces a critical article about the Consumer Lab organization that was written in 2010. Since then, we have reversed our position. The research work of Consumer Lab seems to be fair and balanced. In the interest of fairness to Consumer Lab, the critical article and some of the comments that were associated with it have been removed. We now give Consumer Lab our blessing. As we always tell our people, be a conscientious shopper, and be aware that some of their reports will be better than others. That's just life.

Is Spray Tanning Really The Healthy Option?

Getting the skin tanned from sunlight has been demonized by the medical establishment, regulators, and the chemical industry for over a decade, allegedly for sunlight's potential to cause cancers. As always, when dealing with these people, one must follow the trail of money to discover the truth.

In truth, a lack of sunlight causes dozens of the diseases that we see today; and in particular, it strongly contributes to over 70% of the cancers. These include skin cancers. Without sunlight, no vitamin D is produced by the skin. Without this natural vitamin D from exposure to sunlight, virtually no cholesterol can be removed from the body by the liver (because it lacks D2 to convert to D3), and the body begins hopelessly flushing out its own calcium reserves, causing cavities and bone disorders, and that's just the beginning stage of vitamin D deficiency. Ever seen millions of dominoes fall? It's like that with health, if we shield ourselves from the sun too much.

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F.D.A. Involved In The Biggest Recall Ever -- MSG That Contains Salmonella

This is actual equipment that is used by Basic Food Flavors Inc. to chemically engineer our foods. Take a hard look. Click image to enlarge.

The F.D.A. has just begun what may be the largest recall in history. They are recalling hydrolyzed vegetable protein (H.V.P.), a 'flavor enhancer' that can be found in thousands of processed foods. The chemical is similar to MSG, as it contains large amounts of free glutamic acid; and right now, it is contaminated with salmonella.  Salmonella is usually only found inside animal and human feces, but the source of the H.V.P. contamination has not been disclosed to the public. The Food and Drug Administration has so far refused to comment on whether the facility in question has ever been inspected, or if the facility has a known history of poor sanitation. As usual, their priority is shielding their chemical industry partners from the public that they pretend to serve.

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How To Cure Autism and The Time Bomb Of Mercury Poisoning

Autism strikes 2% of all U.S. children, and this rate is rapidly rising. Members of the medical establishment maintain that they cannot ascertain the cure, and claim to not know the cause. The only thing they claim to know with certainty is that vaccinations cannot be the culprit. Vaccines are categorically exempt from all institutional criticisms, and they are paraded as an unquestionable "miracle of modern science". Although the Centers For Disease Control found that approximately half of the physicians refuse to take routine vaccinations themselves, due to safety and efficacy reasons.

Nevertheless, they preach in unison that vaccines are safe for us and our children. After all, vaccines are said to have ended the polio and smallpox epidemics. Not exactly. The vaccines were conveniently put into usage just after the epidemics had begun their natural dying-off process that all epidemics undergo. This dying-off process is why the epidemic of the Black Plague and thousands of other biological terrors no longer exist, and it has historically happened without the assistance of vaccines. The end of modern epidemics that were fought against with vaccines had successes that were mirrored in countries which did not use any vaccines, and which usually had faster rates of die-off. These statistics are institutionally ignored for the sake of vaccine political correctness in the Western world. Not only has medical history been rewritten to categorically favor vaccines, but evidence of their side-effects is routinely suppressed. There is no better example of this than autism.

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Video: The History of the Illegal Hoxsey Cancer Cure

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Quick Tip: How To Check For Broken Bones At Home With Old School Medicine

There is a simple method for determining if a bone is broken, without the use of any instruments. A bone will reliably maintain a certain degree of stiffness, unless it is broken. Utilizing the inherent stiffness differences between broken and unbroken bones, a light pain response test can be used to check a bone's integrity.

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Not All Zinc Supplements Are Created Equal

According to many pharmacists, zinc is the single greatest dietary supplement. Chemists, pharmacists and doctors alike glorify zinc supplementation. Some of them maintain that zinc will ward off all sickness. While this is not entirely true, zinc does nonetheless fight the rhinovirus, which is responsible for about a third of the common colds in adults, along with many other illnesses which exhibit flu-like symptoms. Zinc boosts the overall immune system to fight infections and speed recovery times. It is therefore a useful supplement for almost everyone. Deficiencies of zinc have been shown in studies to lead to decreased thyroid hormone levels, and hypothyroidism. Zinc supplementation is absolutely vital for pregnant women. If zinc was given to every mother-to-be, then a large portion of birth abnormalities, pre-eclampsia occurrences, and deformations could be avoided. Give zinc the same respect that you would give to folate (the superior version of folic acid) and calcium during pregnancy.

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Quackery: Foot Cleanses, Detox Foot Pads, and Ionic Foot Baths

Kinoki is the name brand that has been sold in major retailers.

There are purportedly two types of foot cleanses: ionic foot baths and detox foot pads. Both are frauds. Detoxification foot pads were initially sold through infomercials and the Internet. They are now being sold inside major retail chains, including Walmart and Walgreens, with retailers smelling untapped cash flows. We have been researching long enough to know that their presence inside major retailers is allowed solely because they do not perform as claimed. Legitimate and effective alternative therapies have been categorically banned from retailers, without exception. Fraud products are allowed because they effectively satisfy the pharmaceutical agenda of destroying the reputation of alternative medicine.

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Hell Froze Over -- Why We Are Supporting The F.D.A. and Why Mike Adams Is Wrong

The Natural News web site began running an article today titled, "Free Greg Caton from FDA tyranny; your help needed".  Our first impulse was to think, "Oh no, the F.D.A. is at it again" -- meaning we figured that the F.D.A. was once again using Gestapo tactics to eliminate competition on behalf of its pharmaceutical partners.  The darkness of their history precedes them.  This is not to say that the F.D.A. is always wrong legally and morally.  By fluke, accident, or divine intervention: occasionally the F.D.A. actually does something right and noble.  Really.  It has happened.

Adams' article about Mr. Caton included:

"Herbalist Greg Caton remains under arrest in the United States after having been illegally kidnapped and extradited from Ecuador by the FDA...  He faces a hearing on March 17th in a Louisiana court, and he needs your help... The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today stands accused of taking part in the kidnapping and illegal extradition of a permanent resident of Ecuador, in violation of both international law and Ecuadorian law."

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The Claimer: The information provided herein is intended to be a truthful and corrective alternative to the advice that is provided by physicians and other medical professionals. It is intended to diagnose, treat, cure, and prevent disease.