Editor's Note: We reported about the horrors and the cult of death worship within the organization that is known as Hospice in previous reports. This is your turn, for what follows are some of the messages that we have received from our readership about Hospice. These messages are entirely unedited, except for the addition of paragraph breaks for readability.
my sweet mother passed under the care of hospice, my two siblings and a non-hospice caregiver. I am completely outraged with hospice. They, along with my siblings not only starved her and restricted fluids but were on some kind of pathetic mission to hasten my mothers death right under my nose. I am still shocked by the whole traumatic experience but mostly that I did not stand up to any of them for what they did.
My story began 4 years ago when my father passed. My siblings decided to take care of our mom. They took control and I was completely out of the picture or so they thought. My mom had a brain aneurysm 8 years ago which she recovered from. She did have some memory issues later but was otherwise in good health. Last year she was put into hospice and I still am not sure why. She was not terminal. She stopped talking by this time but was still engaged in every way. I noticed changes in her. Because of the huge strain I had with my siblings I came every other week while the non-hospice caregiver was there.This caregiver opened my eye's to many things and in the beginning I dismissed them. She actually told me that hospice and my siblings are killing my mom. I of course did not want to believe. After the first 6 months of hospice she was re-enrolled for another 6 months. Again, no terminal illness. This last 6 months big changes were happening and I began asking questions. The non-hospice caregiver remarked there was never any food for my mom to eat. Only Ensure and juice. Shocked by this the caregiver and I would bring food. My mom's appetite was great. For the last six months my mom only ate when the non-hospice caregiver and I were there and was not given food while my siblings were there. This means she was eating every other week. When I questioned them there response was, she doesn't need many calories. I again started noticing weigh loss. Not just 10 or 15 lb.. but many pounds. When I confronted my sister her response was she may choke on her food. Fast forward to June. The non-hospice caregiver is dismissed from taking care of my mom. My siblings are there full time. My mom at this point no longer resembles herself. I ask them again about food and drink and get a response that I can't believe. My brother remarks by saying Gatorade has lots of nutrients and vitamins. I give him such a look. They ask me to leave and that I can only come certain times. I managed to come back after a few day's with my daughter's and they are horrified at what they see. My sister begins to administer morphine. I question again because my mom was in no pain so why? I am told she will breath easier. Again, in shock. When she passed the hospice social worker and nurse came by. There was definitely a cult like atmosphere in the house I could not explain. Creepy might be the word. It was so obvious by this time they were all in on it. They made attempts to console me and made insensitive remarks one that nearly put me over the edge. I could not be consoled I was angry. "Your mom looks so peaceful and she looks exactly the way she did when she was alive", to that my 16 year old responded with, "but much much thinner".
From the beginning I had wanted to report this abuse but never did. I would go from wanting to expose them all to not doing a thing but I started to empower myself and began reading all I could on hospice abuse. What I found was hundreds of stories and websites like yours that are bringing awareness to the public. Thank you for that! I cannot bring my my sweet mom back but I can inform people to beware before they commit to hospice. I am happy to say we did ask for an investigation. I am also happy to say that we took numerous photos and more importantly videos without my siblings knowing. Maybe all is not lost! One more thing, maybe two! Why are lay people trusted with the morphine/drug kits? Also, I think all caregivers wether they are family or not should under go evaluation before that give care. They should be of sound mind and body.
I have a friend that is being killed at this moment. She was talking last night but the Hospice nurse gave morphine to a family member and is having them give so much every hour. The Hospice nurse said that it would cause fluid to build up faster in her lungs and the body would not have to work so hard and death would come quicker. Murder is murder by any device.
I lost my mother last Tuesday and besides the normal sadness I am trying to deal with the pain inflicted by Hospice Inspiris which took over the care of my 95 year old mother before she was even terminal. This corrupt, Medicare scamming company (i wonder what their CEO's annual compensation is) withdrew decent medical care and substituted their own miserable excuse for medical care. This consisted mainly of nurse visits, directed by possibly the most incompetent doctor i have encountered (the so-called medical director-Justo Cisneros) who seldom saw my mother and took her off her meds. When checking his credentials, I learned that he was a graduate of a Mexican Medical School whose accreditation was so dubious that the school's graduates are banned from entering residencies in the State of New York. But he clearly embraces hospice's cult of death and probably commands a low salary which fits in nicely with Hospice Inspiris's cost cutting philosophy. I feel my mother could likely have lived several more years if she hadn't been preyed upon by Hospice Inspiris. I am an attorney and I am not through with this company and will pursue justice and try to prevent this from happening to others.
My grandfather had metastasized prostate cancer so he was terminal. His cancer was found way too late, but he was getting some kind of injections. I don't really know. But he was from somewhat rural Virginia and believed in natural medicines. He fell and was found by my aunt, bleeding from his head. That was the end. He was rushed to the hospital and then sentenced to hospice. Another aunt was at the hospital with him when he said, "I guess they [doctors] think they've done all they can for me." He believed the doctors had given up on him. They did. He wasn't ready to die. He wanted CARE, not to be discarded. Once he went to hospice, he was never given anything for his terrible pain and my aunt believes he was simply "allowed to die" -- one of their favorite phrases. After a couple of days I think he realized he was being thrown away. He completely stopped speaking even though he was physically able to. My aunt was helpless because my mom is the oldest and was in control and supports that whole "die with dignity" crap. It's an evil act to not care for someone who wants and needs it and still wants every ounce of life they have left. My aunt and I and others in my family have been convinced that hospice is no place to send anyone you love.
What this person [Health Wyze Media] describes is exactly what my family experienced at hospice when my mother died. She was overmedicated and dehydrated to death as quickly as possible. She would have been dispatched even more quickly with methadone, but I would not allow them to give her that med. This caused them to be very angry and hostile and they took it out on my mom in various ways. Horrible, horrible place. Avoid at all costs.
To add to this case study pool, my mother (70) was killed by a UK hospice last week through the method of dehydration and starvation, made possible by use of an intravenous morphine syringe driver and continuous injection of sedatives through an arm port. I felt unable to stop this as we were all victims of a well-rehearsed and elaborate confidence trick that these hospices operate... much to my eternal regret and shame.
She entered the hospice on the Friday in good spirits, having been told by the MacMillan Cancer Support Nurse (one of the most respected organisations in British nursing) at the general hospital at which she had spent the last five weeks that the hospice, which they had selected, would 'really look after her needs, give her rest and provide relaxation services like massage and physiotherapy' - they did not tell her, nor me, that the hospice's aim would in fact be to kill her as quickly as possible... in this case, over just four days.
My Mum had been suffering from renal cancer, which was, apparently, also in her lymphatic system, but of which there were no current mestases in other locations, although the byproducts from her tumour were kicking off a few problems with her lungs requiring her to use a supplementary oxygen supply. She had lost weight, but she was strong in herself and determined. With the exception of a bad back, she was not suffering any other pain.
I travelled with Mum to the hospice in an ambulance. A friendly volunteer met us at the doors and filled us with confidence. We then had an initial, bedside meeting with a doctor at the hospice and this was very negative in tone. Almost immediately the syringe driver was introduced, coupled with the sedatives (which they said was need as she was 'agitated'). In a couple of days, my Mum went from being an alert and keen communicator to being unresponsive, almost comatose individual.
On the first full day in the hospice, Day One (Saturday), things seemed to be okay, but I was only able to stay for the morning as I had to go off on a 300-mile round trip, returning to the hospice the following lunchtime.
On Day Two (Sunday), a couple of notable things happened: the hospice seemed to be operating a 'good cop/bad cop' routine as the doctor was replaced by an absolutely lovely older lady nurse who chatted to each family member individually and in wonderfully caring terms explained that 'Mum can no longer take solids or fluids as she is very ill'. Secondly, some unexpected visitors from Mum's childhood showed up at the hospice - they were made to feel most unwelcome and, strangely, for the two hours that they stayed, in which the hospice was unable to administer sedatives, she remained alert and chatted to her friends. The second they left, the injections started again and she was out for the count. Her energy drinks, which had been issued by the general hospital, a bottle of orange juice and a bowl of grapes were removed.
On Day Three (Monday), Mum spent most of the day sleeping, drugged up. Unable to get any fluids into her, I quizzed the medical team hard at the hospice. I asked questions about dehydration and drug administration, but the doctors had pat responses to knock me back. I spoke with two different members of staff at different times and the same answers were given. I was determined that if Mum did not drink that day I would make a determined effort on Day Four to get some fluids into her and would, if left alone for long enough, cut her morphine tube.
Day Four, her final day, started at 9.00am with me being denied access to her room. A team of four nurses went inside and closed the door - I don't know what they were doing, but it was explained as 'freshening her up'. 25 minutes later, I was allowed access. I pushed past them to get into the room, so eager was I to see how she was and to carry out my plan of giving her fluids. To my horror, she was propped up in the bed with her head snapped backwards over the pillow, looking up, mouth open wide as if gasping for breath - I believe she had partially swallowed her tongue. Her earlobes, her fingertips and other extremities were blue and I thought she was about to die on me. I couldn't believe that a medical team could leave a patient like that for a relative to find. Worse still, I saw that her oxygen, on which she relied, had been turned off at the dial on the wall.
I quickly restored the oxygen supply to its normal level, held her head forward and called for her to respond. I used a sponge to introduce water to her lips and mouth. I will admit to you that I was beside myself with terror and as I did this I sang to her, yes sang to her, one of her favourite songs, 'Ain't Misbehavin' by Fats Waller! I was making plenty of crazy noise, but no assistance came from the medical team.
Shortly afterwards, the rest of my family arrived in the room. Mum was starting to come around and was noticeably breathing again. No-one could understand what was happening, but she went into crisis, was animated and gasping for air, trying to raise her arms. We were crying and convinced she was about to pass away. Two nurses came in and administered a sedative through her arm port. She collapsed into a foetal position, never awoke from this, and died exactly where she was 11 hours later. In her final hours, her bed covers were removed and a cooling fan was put on her at full blast so that she became very cold.
There are many things I've left out from this report, points about lack of basic care (like how the hospice staff never washed or brushed her hair, never cleaned her teeth, never changed her catheter bag, never washed her face, never allowed her ripple bed to be turned on to alleviate her bed sores etc)
In my opinion, the ritual 20-25 minute exclusion from the patient's room each morning for nursing duties may carry a sinister, covert purpose, possibly involving moving the patient, creating stress and trauma, especially towards the end of their expected stay, presumably to encourage and speed their demise. I have no proof of this bit, but everything else I witnessed with my own eyes and can guarantee is the truth.
The final thing that I've left out from this report are some of the actions of my own family members, both in order to protect their confidentiality, but also because some of us seemed to actively help the hospice achieve this quick despatch. As I said, it is a masterfully delivered confidence trick which, in other circumstances, might be deserving of admiration for its detailed planning.
To sign off, I confirm that at no time did we request that my Mum be taken from us via this wicked and distressing form of euthanasia. We feel totally taken in by the system and will always regret not being able to spot the ruse early enough or to have had the chance to read around the subject in time to have done anything about it.
Perhaps my Mum would have lived a few days, a few weeks or a few months more if she had not been killed in this artificial way, who knows, but it is my belief that, whilst we should use all the means at our disposal to ease suffering, only God (or mother nature if you don't share my faith) has the right to call time on a person's life and that we are entering dangerous territory when a medical professional has the power to make and effect such decisions themselves.
I feel completely destroyed by what has happened and I am determined to bring this subject to wider attention in the UK. Hospices receive a huge amount of fund raising here and are staffed on the non-medical side by volunteers. People need to know, need to be aware and need to be warned.
My dad's DEATH was definitely induced by the last Hospice team that entered our home. My dad had Parkinson and experienced a urinary tract infection approximately 2 to 3 times a year. On Dec. 31, 2011, my sister and I took him to the hospital because he had an urinary tract infection. During that hospital stay, my dad slept a lot and was prematurely put in Hospice. My dad finally woke up. I took him home around the 8th day, where he received hospice care for over 2 1/2 years before his death. The fact is; after months of him being home from the hospital (still in Hospice), I was told by the first Home Care Hospice Doctor that my dad’s diagnosis (Parkinson) isn't one that would be considered a hospice case. But he (the doctor) was glad my dad was receiving the type of care he was getting from the team. To make a long (2 1/2 years) story short, the wonderful nurse who was with us the longest, told me they were going to take my dad out of hospice because his health was not failing. My dad could do everything but walk. His mind was sharp as ever. A new Hospice team came in and my dad was DEAD in a few days after the last nurse left our home. I was in SHOCK. I am trying to find a lawyer who will take my case and I pray this doesn't happen to another family. Oh, and by the way, no-one from the "Hospice team" called after my dad's death or attended his funeral. I did receive a card with their signatures about two weeks after his funeral. If a lawyer does not take this case, I will write a book. If anyone can help, please do so!
My mother had breast cancer found in lymph nodes for seven years. After metastasizing the cancer reached her brain she was on intense chemotherapy for a year. She became weak and lost her ability to see or walk. She was then confined to a nursing home bed. The cancer in her brain was gone, though according to oncologist, she still had cancer in her liver? "We've done all we can, sorry." were his last words to me. My visits to her were daily and I was able to feed her one meal and a large cup of water. I was told by the NH staff that she was being fed her other meals, though my mother said that she had nothing to eat or drink all day. Her urine bag was dark and when I pointed this out to the nurse, she said "She's not dehydrated." Bold faced lies! Throughout this time I was treated as the village idiot and left out of all decision making processes. I was never in favor of hospice for her, I said that was "giving up". My pleas were ignored. Am diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic since my teenage years and this factor may have played a part in them ignoring my wishes completely. Or they just thought they knew better than me and did not respect my opinion to keep fighting naturally without dehydration and starvation.
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Audio: Modern Euthanasia and Colloidal Silver (Episode 38)
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